Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sweet Tunes...

I'm definitely out of the music loop these days, but as I've been driving to and from school I've caught pieces of songs that I love. Right now I'm addicted to these.

Since starting graduate school I feel really disconnected from a lot of things. I'm pining for the days that were completely mine -- the days that didn't involve hours and hours of studying. Recently I started skimming my blog and felt a little sad that I hadn't documented a lot of events that occurred over the last year. I don't typically read back over my old journals, but I found it sort of soothing to read old entries on this blog.

I decided I'm going to start updating this regularly -- partly to keep in touch with family and friends, but mostly because I want to keep some type of journal.

We'll see though...I've recently discovered how consistently inconsistent I am.

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