Wednesday, February 13, 2008

What is your husband's name? Jared

How long have you been together? Married 2 years this March, dated 2 years…a grand total of 4 years!

Who said I Love You first? He did…ever so sweetly.

Who is taller? He is, but only by about 4 inches.

Who sings better? He does…I definitely got the short end of the stick in that department.

Who is smarter? Hmmm…we both have our strengths; I think we’re pretty even.

Who has more speeding tickets? He does…so far I have not received one…knock on wood!

Who does the laundry? I do most of the time. That’s because I’m more particular about how things ought to be separated, folded, etc.…Jared has slightly different standards.=)

Who does the dishes? We both do. However, this is an area where Jared’s OCD tendencies surface so he ends up doing them more often.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do most of the time.

Who pays the bills? He does. I’m responsible for savings because he’s a bigger spender – it keeps him in check.=)

Who mows the lawn? When we have a lawn, I’m sure it will be Jared.

Who cooks dinner? I do most of the time; Jared cooks breakfast…definitely his specialty.

Who drives when you are together? He does.

Who is more stubborn? I am more stubborn…hands down!

Who is the first to admit they are wrong? He is always the first to admit he’s wrong…I’ve just got some room for improvement.=)

Whose parents do you see the most? Mine, since they’re in Utah – his are in Arizona.

Who kissed whom first? Jared kissed Laura…and they lived happily ever after, the end!

Who proposed? He proposed to me, it was very sweet!

Who is more sensitive? For the most part, I am…I think.

Who has more friends? He does, and it’s the same group of friends he’s had since elementary school.

Who has more siblings? I do, by far – ten siblings compared to four!

Who wears the pants in the family? It’s pretty even…as Kristi said, ‘we both take a leg’…

I tag anyone reading this!


Becca said... guys are so cute. Have a good heart day!

Keeping up with the Joneses said...

Yeah! You played tag with me! I love it!! So cute =) Happy Valentines day! miss you guys!

The Hartle's said...

Thats cute, I know what you mean about the laundry. I complain that Caleb doesnt do it but secretly I dont want him to touch my clothes! Im so excited that you are in YW now!

Keeping up with the Joneses said...

who where's the pants? I still think Laura has that one! Sorry Jared, it's a Jones thing.